

I don’t like going to therapy. I don’t like talking to new therapists. I don’t like talking about my feelings. I don’t like talking about my traumas. I don’t like having to think of a “safe place”. I don’t like being vulnerable.

Keeping this blog takes a lot more effort than you’d think.

I haven’t had a regular therapist in two years. The one I’ve been seeing recently I’ve only been to twice. It sucks. I hate therapy.

I said it: I hate therapy.

That being said, most people hate working out. Most people hating eating right, sticking to a budget, wearing pants, going to work, paying bills…the list continues. Some things are just necessary.

I hate therapy, but I go. I have to. Because I also hate flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, mood swings…the list continues.

For those of you who think therapy isn’t for you, tell me, do you have areas of your life where you feel stuck? Do you keep running into a similar problem? Do your relationships reach dead ends quicker and quicker? Have you ever experienced loss? Are there things you want to put out of your memory and pretend as if they never happened? Yes to any of those?

Therapy is for you.

Even if you don’t suffer from depression or anxiety you may need therapy. It isn’t a sign of weakness. Talking about these things is difficult, so why not discuss them with a person trained to listen and respond? A good therapist will help you sort out what is troubling you without telling you what to do. They are there to give you tools to cope and develop boundaries and strategies to move past hurts and traumas. They aren’t there to tell you to suck it up or that their last patient had it worse or that you are doing everything wrong.

You may not even need to see a therapist for very long.

For many of us who have been in and off the counselor couch for a number of years we can struggle to see our progress. It can feel as if we’ll be doing something that we hate forever. But that isn’t true. Getting better is hard work, especially when it affects our habits. A person can change his or her diet and activity level dramatically and still only lose a few pounds a week. It’s a slow but steady process. Sometimes it’s even beneficial to take a short break from regular therapy (Just so long as you have a plan to go back). But remember, it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to feel comfortable with a therapist and it takes time to confront the things in our lives that are holding us back.

You may only be in therapy for a season or you may be in therapy for years. Just know, that no matter if you are reluctant to start, reluctant to go back, or reluctant to see through the session you’re already in: It’s normal to hate therapy.

So, if you need to, save this picture to your phone or print it out and look at it if you need encouragement. I believe in you. I believe that with hard work and dedication anyone can get better. I know that it can be scary and that excuses can be overwhelming. I know how difficult it can be to trust anyone enough to be vulnerable. I’m cheering you on! If you enjoy going, fantastic! If you don’t, keep going!

cathy terranova blog

Look out for my next post: “Getting Started in Therapy”






photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/12596956@N06/4248780946″>New Chair for Daisy</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/”>(license)</a>

abuse, advice, anxiety, Boundaries, C-PTSD, comfort, complex trauma, courage, depression, family, friends, healing, hope, In and Out, invisible illness, Life, living, love, mental illness, patience, PTSD, recovery, rethink trauma, social, special needs, suffering, therapy, Trauma