In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques


Okay? Okay.

Decapitation and other severed body parts are common in surrealist art, especially, of the female form and I can't help but feel like this woman. Often. It seems lately that for every step I take forward, several are lost. For the amount of hours I clock with my nose...

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One Year Blog Anniversary!

Wordpress was kind enough to inform me that the other day was my year anniversary of being registered with the site. My very first post was July 15th 2013. I quote a Chinese proverb that says,   "A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a...

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PTSD and Depression

              For those of us with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, symptoms can be any number of a wide variety. PTSD is an avoidance disorder it is the affect of your mind refusing to "deal with" or process trauma. Many people...

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