Rethink Trauma: What Your Words Mean
I can't tell you how many times I have been standing, sitting, lounging, or was otherwise stationary in a group of people and heard someone say not just something hurtful about PTSD but hateful. Then they laugh. Then I bite my lip and try not to burst into tears and...
Okay? Okay.
Decapitation and other severed body parts are common in surrealist art, especially, of the female form and I can't help but feel like this woman. Often. It seems lately that for every step I take forward, several are lost. For the amount of hours I clock with my nose...
Very Inspirational Blogger Award
Many thanks to Better Not Broken for nominating me for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award! I'm new to this sort of thing. Here is my adhering to the rules as much as I understand. The Rules: 1. Link back to the...
One Year Blog Anniversary!
Wordpress was kind enough to inform me that the other day was my year anniversary of being registered with the site. My very first post was July 15th 2013. I quote a Chinese proverb that says, "A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a...
Redefining My Dreams: 10 Things I’ve Let Go So That I Could Heal
I was inspired this week by a friend, Kait, who could tell you the first, second, and third thing about struggling with chronic illness. She posted about having to give up an opportunity to study abroad in order to begin a more intensive medical regimen to push...
PTSD and Depression
For those of us with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, symptoms can be any number of a wide variety. PTSD is an avoidance disorder it is the affect of your mind refusing to "deal with" or process trauma. Many people...
“Take-A-Number”: Repost and Commentary
Posted 12/17/13: I have had a lot of contact here in the last few weeks with people who are supposed to represent clinics, doctors, and social workers. I don’t recall being treated like a human being by any if them. Instead of dwelling on being hurt, I’ve realized GOD...
If You Were Wondering Why I Missed This Week…..
My friends came and surprised me. They drove 20 hours. 1,500 miles. To see ME. You can see how excited I was. Look for my blog about it next week!
Why I’m Getting Adopted and Why It Isn’t Weird
I'm 24. "Why do you need to be adopted?", people ask me. Well, think of all the reasons you don't need to be adopted and take them away. All the love and support you get from your family; the...
Who I Am: American Scar Stories and How I’m Learning My Worth
It is less-than-common knowledge that I spent most of my life striving to accomplish a very singular goal: To be a performer. I didn't want to be a writer until GOD asked me to. I've always had a lean towards the verbal and I'm sure it is not disappointing to any of...