In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques


I Am Sam

(Massive spoiler ahead if you haven't read or watched any of The Lord Of The Rings trilogy.) Doug here. Owning a bookstore gives me certain unalienable rights. One of those is to have a mild-to-moderate obsession with Lord Of The Rings, the trilogy by JRR Tolkien. Not...

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You Is Strong

For those of you who haven't seen or read, "The Help". You probably should. Unless you are like me and you can only handle so much sad in one place, then you can make it halfway through the movie and keep promising yourself that one day you'll finish it. Doug has...

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Imagined Burdens

Doug here. These last few weeks, I've been tired. Extremely tired. Like head spinning, no sleeping, nauseating, too-tired-to-fall-asleep exhaustion. This has happened because of multiple factors, a few of which include owning a new business, family emergencies, an...

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Because GOD Said So

Things fall apart more than they ever seem to fall together. I'm learning that the way I respond to things falling apart says much more about me than the way I respond to things falling together. Our bookstore just opened April 9th. It's very exciting. We are in our...

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Fighting the Gnats

There are times when I get indescribably sad. I can't help but see my peers graduating college, getting great jobs, having children, and making stir for social change and not succumb to the lie that exists deep in my heart, but also at the surface of my skin: You are...

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