In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques


Brain Break!

Hey everyone! I used up my useful brain on guest blogs. So sorry. Since my last poem seemed well received, here is one that seemed fitting with all the good news. Reprieve Cathy Terranova A rest and ease from sorrow found Hark, as strange laughter makes a sound Not...

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Good News!

Found a potential hospital! Wrote a killer guest blog for ReThink Creative about prayer! ( Celebrated my husband's birthday! Just about caught up on bills! My dog!

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Hello Again, Shell!

I am a great turtle. Like a really great turtle. A Google search of "turtle named Cathy" just yielded,  "did you mean 'turtle named Kathy'" And no I did not, Google. So there isn't photographic evidence except for this: But, I think that's all the proof the...

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Beggars Made Believers

Hey guys! I wrote my story of how I came to be part of a band back in Virginia. We just released our bew album, Generations Rise, and I'd be honored if you popped over to our website and read my story and gave our tracks a listen!

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No Joke

So, it is 2014. The year that threatened to swallow my husband and me is over! I am choosing to be forward thinking instead of dwelling on the mess that was 2013. But, there are most likely plenty of introspective posts about the ups and downs of everyone's year so it...

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I have had a lot of contact here in the last few weeks with people who are supposed to represent clinics, doctors, and social workers. I don't recall being treated like a human being by any if them. Instead of dwelling on being hurt, I've realized GOD instead is...

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I am writing to you from under the covers; not metaphorically,  physically. The last couple weeks have been crazy difficult. More days than not I've been in bed, all day. Some people will joke and say they need a "vacation" like mine, sleeping 18 hours a day. But it...

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We like to take this time of year here in the good 'ol U S of A to give Thanks. For friends, family, things, whatever. But what I've realized I am super guilty of is spending the rest of the year preoccupied with thanks-getting. Waiting for people to say, "Thank you."...

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