In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques



2 Corinthians 6:4-10 ESV "...but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy...

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Right In the Gut

I had a post all lined up as a draft, but I got on to Post Secret and this got me in tears: I want to say to the person who sent this, You are able to help.You will need help, to help the one you love, but you are able. If you fight, and you try, and you love deeper...

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My Sinking Relation-Ship

Intimacy has always been a difficult thing for me. I used to tell my parents, "I don't have any friends". What I meant was, "I don't have any intimate relationships"."Opening up" was never the problem. Until recently, most people could tell you most things about...

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Tick, Tock

Trauma is a tricky thing. PTSD is a tricky thing. Our traumas are like shrill echoes down a long hallway. PTSD makes you believe they are not echoes, but that the eerie, disturbing things that happened are happening again. We can get caught up in waiting for the...

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Shame, Shame, Shame

The  last few years have been a tumultuous on and off again battle with shame. I know the signs, phrases, and beliefs in and out. But, somehow, this most recent attack was way off my radar. As per usual, it began with a conflict. During which, my husband and I were...

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Sorry Not Sorry

    My husband likes to refer to me as his, "Personal Google". I wrote a paper in eleventh grade that my English teacher said she would have published if she was still editing for journals. I am very, very, rational. I sometimes laugh hysterically at...

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