In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques


DiD and Moving

I've recently moved states, as in, yesterday. It can be difficult for someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder to make large changes. I get agitated and confused. I've lost all sense of where on Earth I am. As I create new memories and become acquainted with new...

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Me and My #Selfie

Mental Illness lives in a constant tension between wanting to be seen for its reality and wanting to hide because it can camouflage itself in a way other diseases can’t. We have to be willing to show each other what we look like at our worst if we ever want to live in a world where we can be our best.

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Off the Wagon

Not blogging was weird. I did write a blog, but it deleted itself somehow. I should say that going a week without posting a blog was weird. There has been a deluge of poor things happening in my life.  I wish that I could explain and be one of those people who writes...

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Cathy-strophic Failure

How do we recover from failed attempts? How do we rebound against waves of the unsuccessful? How to we occupy the space between giving up on one thing and moving on to another? Certainly, there should be time to grieve. But in a world that keeps telling us to not look...

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Hang In There, Baby

Staring at the screen of this computer someone is lending me indefinitely, trying to write a post for the new website another friend made me, in a bed that someone else gave me, in a house that Doug and I are welcome to stay in rent-free, I can't help but be grateful....

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The Holiday Funk

The holidays are my husband's favorite time of year. He loves decorating, shopping for gifts, wrapping presents, and seeing people's faces when they open what he's gotten them. He loves Christmas trees, Advent calendars, Christmas stories, claymation specials; any...

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Us and Them: The Giant Myth

A couple years ago I read this great article in Christianity Today about how after quite a few surveys they discovered something about Christians. Despite popularly held belief, people outside the faith typically liked Christians. They thought that they were usually...

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