In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques


Is Your Small Group A Social Club?

This post isn't my first about problems that I've seen in The Church. It probably won't be my last. But what I have learned in the last year is that abandonment can come from the strangest places. Even your church small group. But wait? Isn't it supposed to be a...

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The Whole Point of My Blog

  My relationship with GOD is always the first thing to suffer when things get difficult for me in the mental health department. I forget how to pray. I forget how important it is to pray. I fight the feelings of shame and failure when things aren't miraculously...

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I Have Nothing To Show For My Life

If you ask me where I'm from, I will doubtless tell you about Northern Virginia. It is a singular place. It's an even more singular place to grow up. In the midst of a largely transient community there is a sub culture of standbys who make their presence known by...

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Chronic Fatigue and PTSD

Yesterday I did second interviews for our seasonals at the bookstore. There is, like with every job I hold, a time when I have to explain certain things to bosses or to, now, employees. Since I've spent the better part of the last four years either hiding the fact...

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Rett Syndrome

That's my niece, Kaya. She was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome this year. She is a sweet, loving, and affectionate girl. When my sister, Linda, noticed that Kaya was having trouble communicating it began the long journey to the eventual diagnosis that she has Rett. For...

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