In and Out And Other Useful Breathing Techniques

Books by Catherine Terranova


Unraveling the Power of Loneliness

Recently I was talking to a close friend about loneliness. I had shared with her how isolated and alone I've been feeling when she wondered aloud how it should be obvious to the people around me, but it doesn't seem to be. The answer to that made me land on a hard...

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My Relationship with Anger

Anger has always been the most difficult emotion for me to process. As a kid, I wasn't allowed to be angry, but adults were. As an adult, my anger has been treated as misplaced and a sign of my emotions getting the best of me. To show anger has been to show weakness....

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Hadassah: The Cat That Saved My Life

I read somewhere that if you die and are left alone with a cat for an extended period of time, it will eat your face. Now, it doesn't matter if that's true or not because that weird maybe-true maybe-not-true idea is the reason I didn't take my life last summer. The...

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Not Everyone’s Ex is a Narcissist

People keep telling me to "read up on narcissists" because it seems that everyone is convinced that their ex is one. Being a narcissist is one thing, but the label that they are slapping onto every one presenting as even a semi-asshole is Narcissistic Personality...

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Stop Making Excuses Not to Exercise

Anyone who knows me knows that I would need a hand written gilded invitation to go for a run. It's so difficult for me to get up and do cardio. I always say that I could walk The Ring to Mordor, but don't expect me to run after the ice cream truck. To quote Ann...

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How Your Busyness Helps No One.

I am going to let you in on a secret. If you are a busy person you need to know this. Your busyness helps no one. It aides the progress of nothing.  In the immortal words of Ron Swanson of NBC's Parks and Recreation, "Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing." I...

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Why You Should Even Vote for Your HOA President

For those of you who don't think voting in local elections is important and choose not to vote, I have a little story to tell you: Once upon a time, there was a bad man. Not evil, but very vain and who only worked in the best interest of himself. He was president of a...

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We Need to Talk About Cultural Appropriation

A few months ago I put out to the internet asking what they thought about cultural appropriation. There was an odd response. Either you were a person of color and answered me with thoughts, feelings, and examples, or you were a very confused white person. There were...

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