#Jeanuary and Anchor House: When the Need Outlives the Campaign
I am often guilty of forgetting about things once the attention has moved to something else. We're not blind to the knowledge that people still need help long after celebrities were done hosting specials about cancer or hurricanes or acts of terrorism. We know that...
#Jeanuary – Pants Are Terrible, But Slavery is Worse
What these blue shackles have taught me is that people don’t really understand yet how often men and boys are exploited. When I bring it up people are usually floored by the truth behind the statistics. They recognize that it’s a problem, but not what some studies show, that it’s up to 50% of those who are sex trafficked being men and boys.
#Jeanuary – Putting On Pants to Stand Up for Men
Trafficking humans is a multi billion dollar industry. Most of the items we use or consume are in industries whose supply chains are riddled with cases of forced labor. From the minerals used to make cell phones to the kids knocking on your door to sell...
The Prison of OCD
Having multiple issues has shown me the stigma that surrounds each one. When celebrities commit suicide we're quick to talk about their "struggles with depression". Depression seems to be the scapegoat that covers all manner of mental illness. When Robin...
Things Your Chronically Ill Friends Need You to Know About Holidays
First, thank you for including us in your holidays. Thanks for making space at the table for our wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, hospital beds, crutches, walkers, or just generally ill selves. Thank you for being patient with those of us with invisible illnesses....
Things Your Mentally Ill Friends Need You to Know for the Holidays
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. All holiday is about to break loose. Here are some things that we, your mentally ill friends, need you to know about us as this season approaches. Holidays are hard. For a lot of us the holidays are filled with triggers....
The Importance of Making the Bed
Making the bed seems like a chore reserved for children and old people. But it's turning into a very important part of my day. As someone who struggles with frequent bouts of anxiety and depression that often overlap into dismal battles to remain human, getting...
When to See a Therapist
A friend asked me when I thought it would be appropriate to recommend that someone see a professional. It got me thinking about how we see "professionals" in the first place. Often going to therapy requires admitting some kind of defeat. It's almost as if we're...
Things People With Depression Want to Tell You But Can’t
"Depression is hard." That doesn't really sum up depression. Even the word, "depression", is limiting. There are different types and degrees of depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder, Major (or Clinical) Depression, Dysthymia, Post-Partum, and the lesser known "Post...
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