I Have Nothing To Show For My Life

If you ask me where I’m from, I will doubtless tell you about Northern Virginia. It is a singular place. It’s an even more singular place to grow up. In the midst of a largely transient community there is a sub culture of standbys who make their presence...

Chronic Fatigue and PTSD

Yesterday I did second interviews for our seasonals at the bookstore. There is, like with every job I hold, a time when I have to explain certain things to bosses or to, now, employees. Since I’ve spent the better part of the last four years either hiding the...

Sexual Abuse and Hygiene

    Diane Langberg’s book, On the Threshold of Hope, is full of wise and healing advice. So much so, that I couldn’t actually get past a particular chapter. Turns out, there are things even I would rather not face head on. What a lot of survivors...

PTSD and Laughter

             It was during a one act competition my junior year that I ironically won an award for playing a young actress who was struggling with dissociative identity disorder.I had no idea what was waiting in my mind. Looking at this picture I see a very different...