Hang In There, Baby

Staring at the screen of this computer someone is lending me indefinitely, trying to write a post for the new website another friend made me, in a bed that someone else gave me, in a house that Doug and I are welcome to stay in rent-free, I can’t help but be...

Is Your Small Group A Social Club?

This post isn’t my first about problems that I’ve seen in The Church. It probably won’t be my last. But what I have learned in the last year is that abandonment can come from the strangest places. Even your church small group. But wait? Isn’t...

I Have Nothing To Show For My Life

If you ask me where I’m from, I will doubtless tell you about Northern Virginia. It is a singular place. It’s an even more singular place to grow up. In the midst of a largely transient community there is a sub culture of standbys who make their presence...