Because GOD Said So

Things fall apart more than they ever seem to fall together. I’m learning that the way I respond to things falling apart says much more about me than the way I respond to things falling together. Our bookstore just opened April 9th. It’s very exciting. We...

Get a Grip

“Much-Afraid told herself that never before had she realized what the awakening from the death of winter was like.” -Hannah Hurnard, Hind’s Feet On High Places (pg. 112) It is particularly heart-wrenching for me to read those lines. Maybe because the...

Ripped Out Stitches

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but this is fresh, so it’s what I’m going to share today. When you are healing, you are delicate. My doctor used to say, “It’s like you come in here every week for open heart surgery, then at the end of...