Is Your Small Group A Social Club?

This post isn’t my first about problems that I’ve seen in The Church. It probably won’t be my last. But what I have learned in the last year is that abandonment can come from the strangest places. Even your church small group. But wait? Isn’t...

The Ubiquity of Loneliness

My last post about loneliness was met with a loud cry of solidarity. Which left me with the question: Why are so many people lonely? There are so many ways to connect. But we don’t. Not really anyway. We “like” what people are doing or we comment on...

Okay? Okay.

Decapitation and other severed body parts are common in surrealist art, especially, of the female form and I can’t help but feel like this woman. Often. It seems lately that for every step I take forward, several are lost. For the amount of hours I clock with my...